My New Obsession

OMG!!! That is all I can say about my new obsession.

It started out so simple. I passing glance, a small interest, a little laugh and a tight lip bite, a night spent thinking instead of sleeping and the next thing I knew was that I needed it again and again. It was like that first time you read Twilight or watched the movie; when you couldn't wait to start again. That was exactly how I felt. What am I talking about: Blog-lurking.

What is blog-lurking you ask? Well, it is when you find a blog and start reading and from there go to all their sister or afflicate sites and then go to their afflicate sites and so on and so on. I am addicted. I should be in some kind of 12-step program getting ready to stand.

"Hi, my name is Tiffany and I'm a blog-lurker."

Of course I would have to tell them how I started which isn't a long story or one that is understandable.

See I was looking for ideas on how to set this site up and so I thought the best way to do that would be to look at other author's sites (I'm all about the research) and that lead to another site and that lead to another site and before I knew it I was following them all. Why you might ask? Simple; THEY WERE ALL ABOUT TWILIGHT!!

Yes, there are blogs upon blogs out there about people reading Twilight, writing Twilight, recommending FanFiction, Designing Twilight themed backgrounds. You name it there seems to be a blog for it and I am obsessed. Again I didn't mean to be it just happened. Now I log in almost everyday and instead of just posting my own new post first I have to check what new is out there. I have to see who is recommending what and what contest are going on. Who had an ephipany while re-reading Eclipse and who is flying off to ComiCon or Vampire Baseball. It is rediculous. I'm suppose to go out of town this weekend and all I can think is "how am I going to check for updates?".

This has also lead to another obsession, wanting my own followers. It's so wrong I know but I want to know. I want little pictures of people I don't know on my sidebar. I want folks leaving comments on my post. I mean I figure it's like reviews in FanFiction, right? And what is not to love about those? Nothing!!

What am I going to do? I can't spend all my time reading other people's writing. I would never get any writing of my own done and then you all would be so upset with me and you wouldn't come to my profile or my blog. I would slip into a state of depression. I wouldn't be able to eat, sleep. Those around me would start to notice but I wouldn't want them to worry so of course I would say nothing. Until one day I put down my pen, my laptop, and my iPod and wollow in the hollowness that my life would have become. *Quick slap*

Sorry about that; I'm back. The point is that I need help. There is just no other way around it. So I thought that if I posted this here it would be like going to that meeting and maybe the recover can begin. After all, it's that the first step? Admitting you have a problem.

BTW, I'm listening to 15-step by Radiohead off the Twilight soundtrack as I'm writing this. Maybe with the extra steps I can get better faster.

Ps: I am also going to make a new page so that you can get just as obsessed as I am. YEAH!!!!!!

1 Sparkle Comments:

Anonymous said...

Hi, there. :) I loved your candy aisle lemon! I was laughing so hard. I do have one suggestion though, you should change Edward's Jolly Rancher to Mr. Goodbar. Trust me on this one! haha. F.Y.I I have just finished my latest reviews. :) Teases are fun, you littl tease you.

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