I Think I'm Done, I Think I'm Done, I Think I'm Done

Wow, it seems like months instead of weeks since I decided to move over from our other site; It's My Life. It's funny that part of the reason for switching was to have something that wasn't so much work to maintain and yet I feel like I have been working on this blog almost everyday since then. First there was figuring out what was important from the other site and then moving what needed to be moved and directing what other things didn't. Then there was finding a background that both looked like my personality and worried really well for the content that I plan to post here. That alone took forever and I'm still not one hundred percent sold on the one that we have now (so if it changes tomorrow don't be surprised). And finally there was adding content. I know most people would have started sharing right away but I wanted a moment to breathe and now I believe that we are ready.

Are there still thinks that are needed here? Absolutely. I still don't have my pictures from all the stories posted yet or my quotes page but those are minor in comparison to what all has been done so far. I also am trying to figure out how to change a few other things here but they too are just minor.

So I think we are ready to launch officially and I am so excited. I can't wait to get feedback on what you all think and I am really hoping that with being an easier format that I will get some comments to my blog post. That would be like icing on the cake for me or like my very own heroin :).

Alright that is it for right now. Until next time; keep reading.

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