A Quick Teaser for Upcoming Story

Alright I know that I have been promising a new story for a while but I am giving you a little something, something for you. It's not a big something but I think it might get you a little happy.
I finally have a title and a small synopsis for you.

"Extreme Circumstances"

When Edward finds himself strapped in a new reality he doesn't know what to think or how to get back. Yet as he finally gets ins biggest wish, to hear Bella's thoughts, he is forced to watch as all he cherishes is threatened. Will he make it back to Bella before it's to late?

So there you go. I am hoping the first chapter will be up by the end of the first week of August. or at the latest the second week.

Okay so I will talk to you all soon.

Getting Ideas

Alright everyone I have some ideas for this blog but the most important one I think I have so far is a schedule for updating. I know that the last month has been absolutely awful. Not only have I barely written anything but I haven't updated either. In all fairness I have explained a lot of it and another reason was that I was thinking about moving my blog to Wordpress but decided to stay here for the moment. Anyway, if something comes up where I do end up moving anywhere I will be sure to let you know first and foremost. However this post isn't about that.
This is about my schedule.

Okay so look for updates on Mondays and Wednesdays for right now. I am thinking Mondays will be my review and teaser dates and Wednesdays will be my write whatever is going on dates. Now none of that is written in stone yet so don't hold it against me if next week I update on Thursday and write about The Twilight Saga: Eclipse since I haven't done my review for it yet but I have some things to say for sure.

So for now I will see you next Monday and Wednesday and I will hopefully get more new story information up soon.

Back In The Saddle

I know that I have been saying sorry for the long wait in between stories for months now but once again sorry. After "Kidnapped" I really wasn't sure what to write. I had dozens of ideas but no idea how to start them and no motivation to try. At one point I thought about just moving on from writing and letting that aspect of fanfiction go. That even though I missed talking to everyone and getting the wonderful reviews that everyone shares, maybe a year and seven stories was all I had. So I started reading.

I read a lot of great fiction that I can't wait to share but the more I read the more I missed writing. The more I reviewed the more I missed finding reviews in my own inbox. But there was still the question of what to write and when.

See during my absence I signed up to take a few classes to learn web design and how to create better graphics. My classes have been really fun but time consuming and my family has been working on the free time I have left. To say that finding time to read or watch tv has been hard would be an understatement let alone write.

Then one night, like all good stories, I began to have a little dream about how to formulate a story that might be slightly different than before. I woke up and started writing.

To say that this story has been going slower than before is an understatement, but it is still there and I think that once my class ends I will be able to really look at it and get it up and posted for you guys.

Also since I took a class on web design I used the info to come up with a new look for this blog. Now all I have to do is figure out how to get it to work on here and you will be seeing a new look and new feel to our trusty blog.

So stay tuned for all the great and hopefully soon changes that are coming.