The Saga

As I mentioned in my previous post, when I get a new movie that is part of a grouping of movies then I like to watch from the beginning until the new movie. With that in mind last night I watched Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse.

It was interesting to watch the progression for the first real time back to back. For instance little Taylor who I absolutely love. He really grew up from the first movie until Eclipse. He by no way looks like the twenty-something man that the character is suppose to portray but he doesn't look as baby faced as he didn't as he was telling Bella that they use to make mud pies together.

The other thing I noticed was that they completely killed the story line of Laurent and Irina. It is never mentioned that he went to live with the Denali's or that they wouldn't come help fight the newborns because Irina wanted revenge on the wolves for killing her mate. As I was missing it I started thinking about Breaking Dawn. How are they going to work in Irina's reason for going to the Volturi? Are they just going to make it about the fact that she things Reneesme is a vampire child? And if they do then what would be her reason for being in the woods to see Bella, Jacob and Reneesme? Without her anger over Laurent then she would have come to the wedding with the rest of her family. I am looking forward to seeing how they handle that in the upcoming two movies.

Lastly there is really no mention of any imprints other than Sam and Emily. Poor Kim and Claire just get got. So will Paul still imprint on Rachel considering they haven't mentioned Jacob having sisters at all and will Claire make a sudden appearance in Breaking Dawn so that it doesn't seems so weird that Jacob just imprinted on this baby? Decisions, Decisions.

I also am curious for how they will handle the ending to Breaking Dawn, Jacob's voice in the middle when the story switches points of view, and the wolves speaking to each other in wolf form. Those are the three things I am really excited for in the next couple of movies. Because if you think about it New Moon and Breaking Dawn are the only two that really have no fight scene at the end and yet they found a way to add a fight between Felix and Edward in New Moon. Will they do the same for Breaking Dawn? Such choices to make. I don't envy Melissa the task of rewriting that.

If you haven't watched them all back to back and you own them then I would strongly suggest it. I started at around seven and ended sometime around one but I did have to stop a couple of times to take my aunt's dogs outside. I am slightly exhausted today but it was totally worth it and if it wasn't for the fact that I have a few things to do today then I would consider doing it again.

The Eclipse Search is On

As so many of you know today is the day that The Twilight Saga: Eclipse comes out on DVD. I am sure that there are those of you that hit the stores at midnight and then there are those like me that decided to go a little later in the day. Either way, let me tell you the crazy of my story.

It starts at about 11:36 pm yesterday
evening. I was baking cookies for a cookie exchange that I was going to today. I had no intentions of going to get the movie at midnight; truthfully I didn't even think I would still be up that late at night but I was. See my goal was to go before my one o'clock meeting and be set.

I had looked up all the different stores selling it and although I normally go with Targets exclusive three disk set I was sad to see that they didn't have it this year. This year they had a box set that looked like the only extra to it was the pretty box and the movie still pictures which to me wasn't worth my extra money but I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt and decided to go check it out first.

So there I was getting up to head to Target before my meeting and I get there and of course there are a ton of people standing around trying to decide which copy to get. I quickly see that they don't have the three disk set and decide that since their two disk set looks exactly like the two disk set that Wal-Mart has I would get it there since online it looked to be five dollars cheaper.
I put the movie back and go to my cookie exchange meeting since I don't have time to go to Wal-Mart before the meeting. I tell everyone how I am going to go get the movie after the meeting and how excited I am and why I decided to go to a different store since I was alr
eady at Target. The meeting ends and even through I am tired and cookie full I point my car toward Wal-Mart instead of home.

Yet when I get to Wal-Mart the DVD is not only the same but it is actually three dollars more than it was at Target. It's no where near the fifteen dollar price that had been posted on whatever website I had been on. Now I am stuck with a dilemma. Do I buy it there and go home or do I waste the gas and go back to Target to save all of the same amount that it will probably cost me in gas?

Surprisingly, stupidly, cheaply, or however you want to say it went back to Target. I got the movie and came on home. As much as I wanted to watch it tonight I always watch from the beginning when I get a new movie in any saga. So I can't watch it until I have time to watch from Twilight to Eclipse which probably won't be until next week. The important thing is that I got the movie and now I don't have to worry about finding it as the holidays get into full swing and stores start selling out.

Such a Bad Updater

If I was every single one of you I would beat me up. I have been the worst updater in the world. In my defense I have been working on my National Novel Writing Month Novel and although I didn't get to the end I did write over 100K words for it. I have never written that many words for any one story that I have ever written fanfiction or original. That was very, very exciting to me.

So the goal is to get back into "Extreme Circumstances" this week or early next week and it will probably run through next year so please, please, PLEASE stay with me and I will keep you updated on what's to come.

Extreme Circumstances Banners

Hello all,

Just wanted to let you know that the banners for my new story "Extreme Circumstances" are up. Check them out below.

New Story

Alright, I know that I have been promising a new story for like weeks maybe months but I finally posted the first chapter today. I am really excited about this because it is a little different from anything I have written before.
First, you will notice as the chapter come that it is all in Edward's point of view. We aren't switching characters per chapter but staying with him. This is his story.

Second, this is the first story that I have posted in awhile that wasn't completely written when I put it out there. I will try my best to post on my normal regular schedule of every Thursday but there is a possibility of a late chapter here or there. I will let you know if I foresee any problems.

Third, I will be posting a preview not just here but on the Fictionators blog also. So if you can't make it here every Monday then check there.

That is all for now. Check back Monday for your preview of Chapter 1 and I will talk to everyone soon.

New Design Possible

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know that there might be a new design for the blog here in the next couple of weeks. I am taking a class tonight that I hope will show me how to redesign our little area and I once I have that info then we should be ready to really get this place jumping.

Also I think I might have a start date for my next story. Look for the prologue to hit the last week of August and then the first chapter to come out the second week of September. I know it's a little bit of a wait but with the holiday and my being out of town I thought that it would be easier to do it this way.

Okay that is all I have for you right now. I might be back to update after my class tonight. Talk later.

Boy I've Been Bad

Okay so I know that I was so excited the last time I was here and talking all my big talk about my new schedule to update and how I was going to share so much in the next couple of weeks and how great things were going to be. Then what did I do? I went off and didn't share anything. I posted maybe two more times according to my schedule and nothing more. How awful am I?

And the sad part is that I can't even say that it was because I was busy writing. Yes I've written a little more of the story that was supposed to be out last week but not nearly enough in my opinion to post it. I want to be able to keep my updates almost the same but at the rate I'm writing it won't be out until next year.

With that in mind, I am going to try to lock myself away this weekend and really focus on getting some solid work done so that I can have something out next week. Wish me luck and I will talk with ya'll later.

A Quick Teaser for Upcoming Story

Alright I know that I have been promising a new story for a while but I am giving you a little something, something for you. It's not a big something but I think it might get you a little happy.
I finally have a title and a small synopsis for you.

"Extreme Circumstances"

When Edward finds himself strapped in a new reality he doesn't know what to think or how to get back. Yet as he finally gets ins biggest wish, to hear Bella's thoughts, he is forced to watch as all he cherishes is threatened. Will he make it back to Bella before it's to late?

So there you go. I am hoping the first chapter will be up by the end of the first week of August. or at the latest the second week.

Okay so I will talk to you all soon.

Getting Ideas

Alright everyone I have some ideas for this blog but the most important one I think I have so far is a schedule for updating. I know that the last month has been absolutely awful. Not only have I barely written anything but I haven't updated either. In all fairness I have explained a lot of it and another reason was that I was thinking about moving my blog to Wordpress but decided to stay here for the moment. Anyway, if something comes up where I do end up moving anywhere I will be sure to let you know first and foremost. However this post isn't about that.
This is about my schedule.

Okay so look for updates on Mondays and Wednesdays for right now. I am thinking Mondays will be my review and teaser dates and Wednesdays will be my write whatever is going on dates. Now none of that is written in stone yet so don't hold it against me if next week I update on Thursday and write about The Twilight Saga: Eclipse since I haven't done my review for it yet but I have some things to say for sure.

So for now I will see you next Monday and Wednesday and I will hopefully get more new story information up soon.

Back In The Saddle

I know that I have been saying sorry for the long wait in between stories for months now but once again sorry. After "Kidnapped" I really wasn't sure what to write. I had dozens of ideas but no idea how to start them and no motivation to try. At one point I thought about just moving on from writing and letting that aspect of fanfiction go. That even though I missed talking to everyone and getting the wonderful reviews that everyone shares, maybe a year and seven stories was all I had. So I started reading.

I read a lot of great fiction that I can't wait to share but the more I read the more I missed writing. The more I reviewed the more I missed finding reviews in my own inbox. But there was still the question of what to write and when.

See during my absence I signed up to take a few classes to learn web design and how to create better graphics. My classes have been really fun but time consuming and my family has been working on the free time I have left. To say that finding time to read or watch tv has been hard would be an understatement let alone write.

Then one night, like all good stories, I began to have a little dream about how to formulate a story that might be slightly different than before. I woke up and started writing.

To say that this story has been going slower than before is an understatement, but it is still there and I think that once my class ends I will be able to really look at it and get it up and posted for you guys.

Also since I took a class on web design I used the info to come up with a new look for this blog. Now all I have to do is figure out how to get it to work on here and you will be seeing a new look and new feel to our trusty blog.

So stay tuned for all the great and hopefully soon changes that are coming.

Been MIA

Alright, I know that I have been MIA for awhile now. I finished Kidnapped and then went all into hiding. The truth was that life just got really crazy. I started a few online classes that took up quite a bit of my time and then I went out of town at the last minute and that really pushed everything back. Plus I had so many ideas in my head and no clue how to write half of them or where they were going which I must have because that is just how I write. I don't have to have the whole story laid out because I've found that writing is very fluid. No matter how much you think you know where a story is going once you get and the characters take over things always end up a different direction. That said I still need to have at least a clue how to get through the beginning and where I would like it to go and I really didn't have one at all. I had great titles and fun ideas but nothing more. So rather than post some crappy something I went into hiding. Sorry that I didn't share but that's just what hiding is.

I read a lot, which means that I have some great fics to recommend in the upcoming weeks, and I thought about if I really loved this layout (still not sure) and I wondered how many more fanfics to I really have left in me. The hardest one to contemplate was the last because there was no answer. So I got off my butt and moved on. I didn't think about it or writing and concentrated on enjoying the great works out there and the funny blogs that I love and my own work and school.

But the think about writing and fanfiction is that it gets in under your skin. Every time you read something new you think how you would have done it or you compare your stuff to theirs and sometimes it comes up wanting. You start thinking that maybe you have one story left or the next will be better. You put yourself in the story and you feel lost without it. Or maybe that's just me. Either way it made me want to search out something great to write.

I had a few stories that I had started but none of them felt right so again I walked away. But suddenly a few days ago a story came to me. A twist on something that might have been done before but if so I haven't seen it. I would like to promise that it will be posted next week or even the week after that but I have no timeline for this one. I am just going as it goes but I will keep you all updated and I will get back to posting regularly so that you all know that I haven't gone MIA again. And next time I won't pull a Cullen family from New Moon move and just up and leave. I'll at least take you out in the wood next to your house and break your heart. Just kidding. Point being that I will let you know if I feel another break coming. Until next time.

Twilight25 Challenge - Prompt 1

Okay, I have officially started my prompts for the Twilight25 challenge. I am really excited and looking forward to the challenge of coming up with one-shots to go along with each picture. I am also going to be posting a song that I feel goes with each one-shot or picture. Enjoy and I will see you soon.

Music Playlist at

Taking a Break; Kinda

If you have been following me since my first story you know that i have been writing somewhat back to back for almost a year and that is just FanFiction. I also write my own personal stories and have a few blogs that I keep up as well. So to say that my brain is a little fried would be an understatement.

I mean it takes a some thought to come up with something that hasn't already been done at least once in FanFiction already. Sure I could write some anything story but I care to much about you guys to just put anything before you and expect you to keep reading and reviewing. Thus the break but that doesn't mean that I am leaving the fandom or never going to post anything again.

In fact I will be starting a new story but it just won't be like what I have posted before. I don't know if any of you are familiar with the Twilight25 but it is a challenge set out by some in the fandom to write twenty-five one-shots based off of the prompts that they give you. I figured this would be a great way to help me get focused and spark a few story ideas. Who knows, one of my one-shots could turn into a chaptered story after I'm done.

I will be posting the stories both on FanFiction and also on here just as a change of pace. Plus it gives me a chance to post the picture that prompted the story since I can't do that on FanFiction.

So stay tuned to see what I can come up with and what it inspires. Talk to you soon.

Of Skipping Time and Funny Stories

If you haven't started reading "Beyond Time" then you probably won't get this title header and if you haven't started reading it then what is wrong with ya?

I will admit that when I first rec'd this FanFic I wasn't sure what to expect. I knew that it wasn't complete and I knew that it was on pace to be over my normal 100K cut off but other than that no clue. Sure it had been recommended on another blog but what if that person and I didn't have the same taste and I was sitting here recommending it to you.

Then once I started reading I was literally like, "Is this author tripping on some special mushrooms herself?". Again if you haven't started reading it then you won't get it. But as I read past that first chapter and really got into the story I found myself laughing out loud at her creativity. Especially during Bella and Jacob's exchange in Of Rituals and Really Big Dicks:

"What do you mean, it wasn't very spiritual?"

"Well," Jake gestured with his free hand. "I told my dad that I saw my spirit guide. That it was a bear that led me down this path and told me I had a great destiny."

"Yeah? That sounds pretty cool"

"I lied."


"I lied to him, Bella," Jake admitted. "I didn't see a spirit guide. I saw..." He pressed his lips together.

"What did you see?"

"God, it's really embarrassing."

"What, Jake?"

"I can't believe I'm telling you this!"

"Jake, I'm dying here!"

"I saw..." he clenched his eyes shut. "A giant dick."

If that isn't enough to get you running over to this story you just don't know what funny is.

Although Jake and Bella share a great chapter he is just the catalyst for the main meal; Bella in 1918 with a human Edward.

I have to give TKegl a lot of credit. The way that she handles the time travel back to the turn of the century is really good and leaves you with the same questions as Bella; has she really gone back in time, is she dreaming or is she on her own vision quest. Plus her Bella is quite funny. When I read the rec for this fic it said that Bella's enter monologue with herself was so entertaining now I get it. Take for instance her thoughts during Of Fainting and Familiar Faces:
A small brass placard on the wall across from me caught my attention and with a quick glance at Tom, who had his back turned, I stood shakily and made my way over to it. Brushing my fingers over the engraving, I read it silently.

Cook County Hospital

Est. 1847

Huh. Cook County Hospital. Wasn't that where E.R. took place?

Then she goes on to say:

This place was definitely not familiar. I had never been here before... and even though I watched E.R., the hospital looked nothing like this.

And Dr. Carter was nowhere in sight.

Score one for reality.

This has really been a great beginning to an interesting story which is where I will leave you for now. Check out my continuation of our read-along on Wednesday after the last two chapters of "Kidnapped". See ya then.

Something Fun I Just Learned

Today has been an interesting day. I learned something new graphically. I am so excited and I had to share it with all of you. I hope that you like it as well. Let me know what you think. Is it too fast or too slow? Should I have used different pictures? Is it too big? I look forward to hearing what you think.


Halt the Reading: We Have a Late Arrival

I know that I posted the three stories for our read along but then as I started reading one of them I wasn't really in the mood for what I was getting. So I started looking for something else to tide me over until I was excited about this particular FanFiction again (and I'm not telling you which one because I don't want to influence you one way or the other).

As I was searching I came across a little fic that Twi-Fic Addicted Sista (she has great reviews) was reading and decided that her review sounded interesting so I would read a little and see how it went. That was two days ago and I haven't been able to stop yet. With that in mind I am adding another story to the read-along; Eclipsed Heart.

This is a touching story in which Bella moves to Forks but after something tragic happens she is suddenly sent back to her mother in Jacksonville where she finishes out her high school years. Skip to the beginning of this story and you find a hurting and broken Bella returning to Forks for unfinished business that she feels she must handle in order to move on with her life. Add in a clumzy moment, a remorseful Edward, a nervous Carlisle and a protective Jacob and you have the makings of this interesting and intriguing story.

I still have a few chapters to go before I have to wait for Buff82 to update but I am really looking forward to them. So come along and read with us. Check out my update for chapters 1-4 next Tuesday.

What Are You Reading?

Alright, I know that I promised reviews for the stories that I have read and mentioned how I really don't understand FanFiction that is more than a hundred thousand words. Well lately I have found a lot of stories that aren't finished and are well on their way to being more than my normal limit. This started me thinking. Would I really get bored with a story that long if I was reading and waiting for recommendations every week? I read Seducing Ms. Swan and hat was over the 100k mark but I didn't realize it until after I was involved.

With that in mind I am going to give this reading a story in progress, over a 100k thing a try. After I decided that I started thinking how much fun would it be if I was reading it with my other faithful readers? I mean we could talk about what is going on in the story and share what we feel about the way the author is handling the characters. I think this could be fun.

So with that in mind I picked three that after scouring the Twilight blogs and communities these seemed to have some really good recommendations. I also tried to find different stories so if you aren't interested in one then you could maybe read one of the others and still be part of the fun. Also if you know of a good story to add let me know.

Without further ado; here are the stories:

After the Cullen's leave Forks a twist of fate lands Bella back in 1918. She thinks it is a second chance to build a life with Edward, but when she finds him, he's not quite what she expected. Can Bella create the future she's hoping for?

I started reading this one last night and I was really enjoying it. Bella is way funnier than normal canon Bella and I really liked the fact that even though this is during New Moon and Edward has told her that he doesn't love her she knows that he was lying. There isn't any of that I wasn't good enough for him crap.

By pretending that she is falling for Edward, Bella is fulfilling Esme's dying wish. But sexy, possessive Edward can read her mind. Will she ever get into his? Can Bella forget the pain of her teenage years, and can she resist his relentless seduction?

I was intrigued by this because even though it is all human Edward can read Bella's mind, which is something he couldn't do in Twilight. To me that spells a different twist on a story we all love.

Expectations and Other Moving Pieces

Everything I have done in my life seemed to lead up to this moment. The moment when I found myself bound inextricably to a man I didn't love, trapped in a life I didn't want. And if I left him, I would be entirely alone.

This one sounded interesting because Bella and Edward are married but still seem to be unhappy. I liked the idea that here would be flashbacks during the story that shared how they got to this point and hopefully show if this relationship is worth saving. It is a Bella/Edward fic so I am hopeful that they will find a way to work things out.

Those are my three and each banner has a link to the corresponding story. Enjoy and if you are going to read along with me then please leave a comment on this thread or send me a PM through FanFiction. Let's get started and as always happy reading :).

Kidnapped Road Trip

What is a road trip without pictures? Nothing that's what. Enjoy this small look at some of the places from my story.

Little Something New

As much as I love the picture of the flower that has been my profile pic on Fanfiction since I started I decided that I would do something a little different. I am going to try to come up with a profile pic that relates to the current story that I'm posting. Right now my pic goes with Kidnapped. I debated which picture to use and came up with the first one but I wanted to share them both with you guys here so that you can see them both.

As you can see there is the same saying on both but the picture is different. They both say, "Why run with vampires, when you can ride with them? Kidnapped 2010".

Hope you enjoy them both and let me know which one you like the best.

Heart's Devotion Banner

Alright everyone. I have been a busy little bee when it comes to banners. This should be the last one needed until I decide what my next story will be. Enjoy and stay tuned for a slide show of pictures from Kidnapped's road trip (because you can't have a road trip without pictures) and a playlist for the story.

Hope you enjoy and I will talk to everyone soon.

Kidnapped Teaser

Alright I know that I did previews with Beyond the Past and I had said that I wasn't going to do any more but I love the upcoming chapter so much that the preview has made a return. I'm not promising that this will be a weekly occurrence but for the time being enjoy. See ya next week.

I hope that you enjoyed and like me you can't wait to see what is to come. Have a great week and I will see you next Wednesday.

Kidnapped Banner

Alright this is fresh off the presses. I just got the idea for the banner for Kidnapped like a little bit ago and quickly decided to come down and share it with everyone. I hope that you like it.

Look for the banner to Heart's Devotion soon.

First Impressions

So I have noticed that there have been a lot of new names leaving reviews for "Kidnapped". That is amazing. I can't tell you how excited that makes me. I don't know if these are new readers or if they have been here for a while and just decided to start reviewing but either way I am glad to see them.

With that in mind I wanted to say thank you for reviewing and I'm glad that you're here and if you haven't read any of my other FanFictions then please check them out. I would love to hear your thoughts on those as well.

Again thank you for giving me a shot and I hope that I haven't disappointed you and that you will stick around for the conclusion and any other stories that I share. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Gotta Have It

I was watching the Eclipse promo for the I'm-not-telling-you time and I started thinking. Like a lot of readers out there this is my favorite book in the series. There are a bunch of reasons why like you learn more about the Cullens, I happen to like the Jacob/Bella/Edward triangle, but mostly I feel like Bella grows up in this one. She learns that adulthood and responsibility sometimes means you have to make the hard decisions.

With my love of this book in mind as I was watching the preview I began to wonder. What would I be okay with not being in the movie? Or more accurately, what has to be in the movie for me to consider it good?

Yes I would love it if the could make the movie as a line by line transcription brought to life on the big screen but lets face it; no one would sit through a five hour long movie and that would probably be the length of it if not longer. That would be insane and as much as we love Twilight I think even we would get bored.

Which leads to the point. We all know that they have to cut somethings and re-arrange others but what has to be in for it to be a success. I compiled a list that I think most would agree is pretty accurate.

  • Bella running of to La Push while Edward is hunting: This has to be in. It sets up the whole triangle and the fact that Bella isn't quite ready to give Jacob up.
  • Alice kidnapping Bella/Rosalie telling her story/Jacob kidnapping Bella back: That whole weekend has to be there. Learning about Rose is so important to understanding why Bella calls her in Breaking Dawn instead of any of the other Cullens. And Jacob kidnapping Bella is just funny. Plus this is when he tells her about not aging and explains the imprinting which again set-up Breaking Dawn.
  • The leg hitch scene: I know that Twilight is traditionally PG or when pushing it PG-13 but every Twilight fan, kids and adults alike, have been waiting to see Edward let some of his guard down and give in to some of the passion and desire that he feels for Bella. Besides us adults need a little action every once in awhile.
  • Jasper's story: How can you have a newborn fight at the end without explaining the newborn army? That is all I have to say about that.
  • Bella punches Jack/Edward says he'll fights for her: I'm strictly team Switzerland but I know that there are tons of team Edward fans just waiting to see Bella sock Jacob in the jaw for that kiss. And just as many waiting for Edwards famous line, "She is mine. I didn't say I would fight fair".
  • The Engagement: Alright, this is so pivotal to the story that if that don't have it then it will be a travesty and I will get up and walk out right then and there. You have to have her accept his proposal and you have to have her try to seduce him. How can you explain their having sex in Breaking Dawn before her change if you don't? And as I said before we adults need the action!
  • The tent scene: They could actually only film this and I would be happy. I love when Edward and Jacob finally talk about their feelings for Bella. When Edward admits that he's just as jealous and Jacob wonders what it will be like to lose her. Reading it I wanted to just clone Bella and give one to each of them. They both care so much and it is beyond evident in that scene.
  • The Newborn Fight: I'm not sure how they are going to get it in considering that the story is told in Bella's point of view and she is no where near them and is so focused on Edward's battle with Victoria but I think it has to be there some how even if only for a few minutes.
  • Jacob and Bella break-up: It just has to be there and it has to be done right. You have to feel the emotional undercurrent of lose and the weight of her decision. It can't be like, "Sorry Jake I love you but I love him more". You have to see that a big part of her wants to stay with him but she can't live without Edward.
  • The meadow: Again we adults need our action. Plus we need to see Edward acknowledge that like most men he has no idea what he's doing and that all his decision have done is hurt her. And if we are going to have a wedding in Breaking Dawn then we have to have an official engagement. Also secretly I am hoping the add in when they tell Charlie. I really want to see Billy Burke pull of that I'm reaching for my gun and I'm going to kill you face.
Yes there are so many, many more that I would love to see but those are my tops and even at that I'm sure I left out some. Thankfully a lot of those seem to be showing in the preview so I am happy about that and it makes me that much more excited for the movie.

Alright so here is the challenge: What has to be in the movie for you? Did I leave anything out? Let me know and we will keep adding to the list. Who knows we might reach that five hour mark anyway.

We Have A Winner

Last week I posted a contest at the end of my updates to Kidnapped. The contest was that whoever was the first person to leave a comment on here last week would get the next chapter before it was posted. And the winner is..........


Yeah!!!!! Way to go. So look for that chapter in your inbox and stay tuned for this weeks contest.