Gotta Have It

I was watching the Eclipse promo for the I'm-not-telling-you time and I started thinking. Like a lot of readers out there this is my favorite book in the series. There are a bunch of reasons why like you learn more about the Cullens, I happen to like the Jacob/Bella/Edward triangle, but mostly I feel like Bella grows up in this one. She learns that adulthood and responsibility sometimes means you have to make the hard decisions.

With my love of this book in mind as I was watching the preview I began to wonder. What would I be okay with not being in the movie? Or more accurately, what has to be in the movie for me to consider it good?

Yes I would love it if the could make the movie as a line by line transcription brought to life on the big screen but lets face it; no one would sit through a five hour long movie and that would probably be the length of it if not longer. That would be insane and as much as we love Twilight I think even we would get bored.

Which leads to the point. We all know that they have to cut somethings and re-arrange others but what has to be in for it to be a success. I compiled a list that I think most would agree is pretty accurate.

  • Bella running of to La Push while Edward is hunting: This has to be in. It sets up the whole triangle and the fact that Bella isn't quite ready to give Jacob up.
  • Alice kidnapping Bella/Rosalie telling her story/Jacob kidnapping Bella back: That whole weekend has to be there. Learning about Rose is so important to understanding why Bella calls her in Breaking Dawn instead of any of the other Cullens. And Jacob kidnapping Bella is just funny. Plus this is when he tells her about not aging and explains the imprinting which again set-up Breaking Dawn.
  • The leg hitch scene: I know that Twilight is traditionally PG or when pushing it PG-13 but every Twilight fan, kids and adults alike, have been waiting to see Edward let some of his guard down and give in to some of the passion and desire that he feels for Bella. Besides us adults need a little action every once in awhile.
  • Jasper's story: How can you have a newborn fight at the end without explaining the newborn army? That is all I have to say about that.
  • Bella punches Jack/Edward says he'll fights for her: I'm strictly team Switzerland but I know that there are tons of team Edward fans just waiting to see Bella sock Jacob in the jaw for that kiss. And just as many waiting for Edwards famous line, "She is mine. I didn't say I would fight fair".
  • The Engagement: Alright, this is so pivotal to the story that if that don't have it then it will be a travesty and I will get up and walk out right then and there. You have to have her accept his proposal and you have to have her try to seduce him. How can you explain their having sex in Breaking Dawn before her change if you don't? And as I said before we adults need the action!
  • The tent scene: They could actually only film this and I would be happy. I love when Edward and Jacob finally talk about their feelings for Bella. When Edward admits that he's just as jealous and Jacob wonders what it will be like to lose her. Reading it I wanted to just clone Bella and give one to each of them. They both care so much and it is beyond evident in that scene.
  • The Newborn Fight: I'm not sure how they are going to get it in considering that the story is told in Bella's point of view and she is no where near them and is so focused on Edward's battle with Victoria but I think it has to be there some how even if only for a few minutes.
  • Jacob and Bella break-up: It just has to be there and it has to be done right. You have to feel the emotional undercurrent of lose and the weight of her decision. It can't be like, "Sorry Jake I love you but I love him more". You have to see that a big part of her wants to stay with him but she can't live without Edward.
  • The meadow: Again we adults need our action. Plus we need to see Edward acknowledge that like most men he has no idea what he's doing and that all his decision have done is hurt her. And if we are going to have a wedding in Breaking Dawn then we have to have an official engagement. Also secretly I am hoping the add in when they tell Charlie. I really want to see Billy Burke pull of that I'm reaching for my gun and I'm going to kill you face.
Yes there are so many, many more that I would love to see but those are my tops and even at that I'm sure I left out some. Thankfully a lot of those seem to be showing in the preview so I am happy about that and it makes me that much more excited for the movie.

Alright so here is the challenge: What has to be in the movie for you? Did I leave anything out? Let me know and we will keep adding to the list. Who knows we might reach that five hour mark anyway.

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