
Just a few of the quotes that I and you really think make the story.  Enjoy.

Why Won't Anyone Listen To Me?

  • Coming Soon

New World

  • "Well, you walked into a house full of vampires as a human and felt completely fine but now that you are one of us you find us intimidating."
  • "I was stopping you from saying something stupid." She kissed the same spot. "Trust me; you will thank me for it later."
  • "I never realized how narcissistic you are but damn."
  • "If you hadn't asked the question he wouldn't have thrown the pillow and I wouldn't have gotten hit." She explained.  "It seemed fair that I would share my pain with you."

Beyond The Past

  • "I wasn't the one that ruined my outfit while running through the trees." Alice rolled her eyes. "I swear, all our vampire senses and you are still a klutz."
  • "Really Alice" I heard the most beautiful voice float down the stairs. "Why in a house full of vampires with exceptional hearing you feel the need to shout is beyond me."
  • Edwards got a crush, Emmett's child-like voice boomed in my head. Good for you Eddie. Maybe now you can finally get some.
  • "Come on Bella" He laughed. "What would I do without you to keep things interesting? Besides what did you tell me last time I had a slip; it's just one mistake in a sea of millions."
  • "And I don't like to brag but my Rosie can match vindictive and cunning with the best of them. Not to mention downright mean."
  • "I wouldn't worry." Emmett laughed. "From the look of you I would say she's got some pretty wicked moves. You look like she firmly kicked your ass."
  • "To keep up with Bella" He winked at me. "She got five before I was at my second and she held the field hostage with a ball of fire. I can't go through eternity with her thinking she's more of a badass than me."

Heart's Devotion

  • "Only you would go shopping while Bella was laying here going through this." Now Emmett sounded like he was laughing.
  • "Okay just making sure." He relaxed back into the couch he was sitting on. "It's just that it sounds sorta freaky."
  • He threw his head back and laughed. "Are you kidding? I would love to see you take on a bear. You can't even stand up to that idiot that left you but a grizzly no problem."
  • "Not like Alice" I shook my head. "I love her but I couldn't take two of her."
  • "No wonder she's having a hard time deciding" I heard the younger one say with a laugh.  "I might be willing to get over the smell for that."
  • Oh my God" the excited voice came again. "Too bad he's a werewolf. That might be worth a test drive."
  • "Honestly Bella I wouldn't lie to you." She smiled sheepishly. "Okay I would but only for your own good and only in regards to shopping."
  • She wasn't my fragile little human but a strong newborn vampire and she had proven over the last month that the only thing fragile about her was her heart and that I intended to protect for the rest of eternity.
  • "Besides he's not as annoying now that I can see his future and he stopped phasing and ripping apart the clothes that I bought him." She crossed her arms. "Which I could swear he did on purpose."


  • "You can't always be perfect Edward.  It's not who we are."