Extreme Circumstances...the Banner

Alright this is the last one and there will be a new chapter soon.

Kidnapped.....the Banner

Heart's Devotion....the Banner

Beyond the Past....the Banner

New World....the Banner

Again this is an older story but I absolutely love it. Enjoy the new banner.

Why Won't Anyone Listen to Me

This story was my first and although I do love it I am don't sure that I love the name anymore. Therefore, I did tow different banners for this one. One with the original title and one with the new title. Enjoy.

New Story Banners

I know, I know, I know.

I should be working on the next chapter of "Extreme Circumstances"; and I do promise one is coming. However, I started playing around with some graphics and a few tutorials and came up with some different banners for my existing stories.

These are a little more traditional to Twilight fanfiction and I figured that they could work better for other blogs that would like to recommend my current stories or any new ones that might be on my mind (and there are new ones).

So I am going to add them but I am going to do them one at a time so that people can pull whichever one that they want.