Twilight25 Challenge - Prompt 1

Okay, I have officially started my prompts for the Twilight25 challenge. I am really excited and looking forward to the challenge of coming up with one-shots to go along with each picture. I am also going to be posting a song that I feel goes with each one-shot or picture. Enjoy and I will see you soon.

Music Playlist at

Taking a Break; Kinda

If you have been following me since my first story you know that i have been writing somewhat back to back for almost a year and that is just FanFiction. I also write my own personal stories and have a few blogs that I keep up as well. So to say that my brain is a little fried would be an understatement.

I mean it takes a some thought to come up with something that hasn't already been done at least once in FanFiction already. Sure I could write some anything story but I care to much about you guys to just put anything before you and expect you to keep reading and reviewing. Thus the break but that doesn't mean that I am leaving the fandom or never going to post anything again.

In fact I will be starting a new story but it just won't be like what I have posted before. I don't know if any of you are familiar with the Twilight25 but it is a challenge set out by some in the fandom to write twenty-five one-shots based off of the prompts that they give you. I figured this would be a great way to help me get focused and spark a few story ideas. Who knows, one of my one-shots could turn into a chaptered story after I'm done.

I will be posting the stories both on FanFiction and also on here just as a change of pace. Plus it gives me a chance to post the picture that prompted the story since I can't do that on FanFiction.

So stay tuned to see what I can come up with and what it inspires. Talk to you soon.

Of Skipping Time and Funny Stories

If you haven't started reading "Beyond Time" then you probably won't get this title header and if you haven't started reading it then what is wrong with ya?

I will admit that when I first rec'd this FanFic I wasn't sure what to expect. I knew that it wasn't complete and I knew that it was on pace to be over my normal 100K cut off but other than that no clue. Sure it had been recommended on another blog but what if that person and I didn't have the same taste and I was sitting here recommending it to you.

Then once I started reading I was literally like, "Is this author tripping on some special mushrooms herself?". Again if you haven't started reading it then you won't get it. But as I read past that first chapter and really got into the story I found myself laughing out loud at her creativity. Especially during Bella and Jacob's exchange in Of Rituals and Really Big Dicks:

"What do you mean, it wasn't very spiritual?"

"Well," Jake gestured with his free hand. "I told my dad that I saw my spirit guide. That it was a bear that led me down this path and told me I had a great destiny."

"Yeah? That sounds pretty cool"

"I lied."


"I lied to him, Bella," Jake admitted. "I didn't see a spirit guide. I saw..." He pressed his lips together.

"What did you see?"

"God, it's really embarrassing."

"What, Jake?"

"I can't believe I'm telling you this!"

"Jake, I'm dying here!"

"I saw..." he clenched his eyes shut. "A giant dick."

If that isn't enough to get you running over to this story you just don't know what funny is.

Although Jake and Bella share a great chapter he is just the catalyst for the main meal; Bella in 1918 with a human Edward.

I have to give TKegl a lot of credit. The way that she handles the time travel back to the turn of the century is really good and leaves you with the same questions as Bella; has she really gone back in time, is she dreaming or is she on her own vision quest. Plus her Bella is quite funny. When I read the rec for this fic it said that Bella's enter monologue with herself was so entertaining now I get it. Take for instance her thoughts during Of Fainting and Familiar Faces:
A small brass placard on the wall across from me caught my attention and with a quick glance at Tom, who had his back turned, I stood shakily and made my way over to it. Brushing my fingers over the engraving, I read it silently.

Cook County Hospital

Est. 1847

Huh. Cook County Hospital. Wasn't that where E.R. took place?

Then she goes on to say:

This place was definitely not familiar. I had never been here before... and even though I watched E.R., the hospital looked nothing like this.

And Dr. Carter was nowhere in sight.

Score one for reality.

This has really been a great beginning to an interesting story which is where I will leave you for now. Check out my continuation of our read-along on Wednesday after the last two chapters of "Kidnapped". See ya then.

Something Fun I Just Learned

Today has been an interesting day. I learned something new graphically. I am so excited and I had to share it with all of you. I hope that you like it as well. Let me know what you think. Is it too fast or too slow? Should I have used different pictures? Is it too big? I look forward to hearing what you think.
