What Am I Doing?

When I did NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) last year I learned a lot about writing and the most important thing that I learned was if you want to be good at it then you need to write everyday. You don't have to churn out 30,000 words a day but you do need to get something down that helps your story and that pushs the novel along.

Well, this year has been a huge struggle in regards to that principle. It's like I can't concentrate, I can't focus, and nothing is coming out. I have had more writers block in the last three months than the whole time I was writing my first three stories. When I was writing Why Won't Anyone Listen To Me, New World, and Beyond The Past ideas for different stories where popping in my head almost every week. With Heart's Devotion I wrote that whole thing in like a week and a half (although someone would say it was a week and she knows who she is). Yet it seems like now writing is pulling teeth.

I have three different stories that I started working on and I can get through one chapter maybe two and then I'm sitting at the computer drawing a blank. I don't understand it. I think that part of the problem is that I have been reading more fanfiction then I was when I was writing and maybe I can't read and write at the same time. Like those that can't walk and chew gum.

With that being said, I am still going to do my reviews but they will probably be stories that I have already read and just haven't seen recommended anywhere. And if you have a new story that you would like me to read then just be patient and I will get to it when I can.

Until next time, keep reading.

Dark Edward Can Be Sexy

I just finish a little ditty that I decided to make my first review. The title is I Know You by hmonster4 and it was really interesting.

It starts off with Edward watching as the woman he turned to be his mate decides that she can't be with him and steps into a fire determined to destroy herself. Flash forward seventy years, we are now in 2009, and he runs across Bella who bears a resemblance to this fallen woman and Edward must decide if he is going to make the same mistakes as before or turn away and remain alone for the rest of eternity.

I would love to tell you more, seeing as I pretty much just repeated the into from the author, but if I do then it might ruin the story. I must say that at first I wasn't sure if I liked this Edward. I normally like my Edward a little angsty and introspective but this Edward is more manipulative and almost more controlling than I'm use to. Still as the story went on I began to understand is motivation. As for Bella is was a little more whinny then normal too but it played well against the darker Edward. They almost balanced each other out.

It was as fast a read as I thought it would be at only 13 chapters but 70,461 words still it went pretty quickly. It is rated M but the lemons weren't as graphic as I have read before. The language was a little stronger and if your a younger reader (under 16) then I wouldn't suggests reading it. However, if your older and would like a little more spice to your Twilight this might be the story of you.

Check out I Know You HERE

Heard It Through The Story

These are a few of the songs that I listen to when writing Twilight or that just remind me of the characters within the story. Hopefully you have heard one or more of them but if not by all means check them out at iTunes or your local music store.

A New Moon Cometh

I know that I might be a little late on the DVD mart but guess who just picked up her copy of The Twilight Saga: New Moon? Yes that would be me. And you would think that I rushed home, tore it open and started watching but at last I didn't. I actually spent all day helping my aunt clean her house and I am exhausted. So instead I came home, made chilli (it's raining and you just have to have chilli when it rains) and watched the Vampire Diaries which were all new tonight. Yes, they are different vampires but they are still vampires.
I debated which one to get and decided to go with Target's three disc DVD. I know that Wal-Mart had the one with all the Eclipse info on it but I'll be honest; I've already seen it. I was searching through the web for something and came across a site that had it already up on their blog. I wish I could tell you who it was but I didn't save it. Maybe if you to a google search for Twilight Eclipse then you'll be able to find it.
Now I could be watching it now but I think that I am going to wait until Sunday. See tomorrow I have quite a few things to do and Saturday I have to take pictures for a birthday party; so Sunday works. I figure I can get up and make a great breakfast and goof around on the Internet for awhile (I still have a few things to touch up on here and a couple of others) and then I can make a fun dinner, maybe ravioli or something, and watch Twilight and then New Moon. To bad I don't have Eclipse because that would be icing on the cake.
That's all. I just wanted to let everyone know that my Twilight movie collection is as complete as it could be. Until next time; keep reading.

Review: The Rules

Hello again.

Like previously stated I will be doing some reviews of FanFiction when I find something really good or really bad. If you know of any stories that you think that I should review then by all means please let me know. I love finding new and interesting stories but I have a few rules or criteria if you will that I would like to share with you before you ask me to read anything.

  • No War In Peace: I understand that some of us are long-winded people and that sometimes translates into our writing but please no 100,000 plus stories. We aren't re-writing Tolstoy or Bronte so I just don't see the point of something that is longer than most fiction being published. It's not like you have to redo the characters and even if you've turned Edward dark or made Bella feisty you can still show that and explain it in less that a hundred thousand words. I simply can't relate and unless some tells me that this is a life changing new version of Twilight I am going to skip it.
  • All Good Things Come To An End: I know that there are some great stories out there still being written and I really want to read them, but to me how can you really, truly review something that hasn't been completed yet. What if it's the perfect story up until the last two chapters? I'm sure that I'm the only one that might see thinks that way but still. Being that it's my reviews I reserve the right to only review stories that are done.
  • All In The Realm: I am sure that there are many, many wonderful stories out there about a ton of different topics but I am a Twilight girl at heart and those are the stories that I read. I might one day branch out to Harry Potter or Vampire Diaries or any of the thousands of other writing on this site but for now those are what I know, what I like and what I read.

That's it. So if you happen to know a story that is lengthy but short, great and finished, and all about Twilight then let me know about it and I will check it out and let everyone know what I think. I can't wait to hear from you soon. So until then, keep reading.

New Site; New Look; New Ideas

Welcome. I know that this is a little different than where we were but I am hoping that this will be a little bit easier to update often. I also am thinking that I will be able to do more things with this site that I might not have been able to do with the other one. Don't worry, the original is still posted and if you are looking for any of the past information then that would be the place.

As far as what to expect here, I have some great ideas brewing. My playlist and quotes for each story will finally be up and waiting for your enjoyment. Also I am working on a way that I can add pictures without having different photo albums and so many steps just to see them. If you look down the page now there is a slide show space but those aren't my pictures. They just came with the background so don't pay them to much attention. When I figure out how to put my pictures there I will let you know.

I also have links to all my web spots on the front page now so that they are a little bit easier to get a handle on if you are looking for me on the web. And there are links to my other blogs that I post to often. Some are just for fun and some deal with my other writing and my personal interest in genealogy (which I am starting to think will be a lifelong project).

Also I am going to be posting reviews for other FanFiction stories here. You would be surprised how many stories I read considering the writing that I do. I don't really have a favorite genre but I do stick mostly to Edward/Bella stories but I have read a few that weren't and if I come across anything really good then I will let you know here. Also if I come across something that I don't think is worth your time I will be posting that here to and I will try my best to not be to hard on any writer. I understand what it's like and I would hate to have someone rip my writing to shreds.

So check back often because I can't wait to get started and I will be updating soon. Until then, keep reading.