Blogger Twilighters Are Rockstars

I was hanging out, doing my new favorite thing, lurking through blogs, when I decided to try something different. One of my only real complaints about blogger is that I haven't been able to find a blogger search. I know that you can search your own blog for content but I would like to be able to search through all the listed blogs on here to see what all there is. Which lead to my something different today.

I thought if I have found this many Twilight Blogs on Blogger than how many must there be on Wordpress. I know it might be wrong to consider looking at another blog site but hey I was curious.

Anyway, I found there search right on the front page and typed in Twilight. There were like 14,000 hits that came back but the funny thing was that as I looked down the list most of them hadn't been updated in like a year. How crazy is that? So I continued on thinking maybe it would get better but now. I went through five pages of results before I called it a day. Sure some had been updated recently but I would say like 85% last post was October or better of 09.

There is no way that we would do such a think over here on Blogger. Why have a blog if you aren't going to update it? That is half the fun. Even if you only have one or two readers or no readers at all you are still expressing yourself and your opinion on something you hold dear.

Maybe all those blogger defected to Blogger and now they are running some of the great sites that we have here now. I don't know. But I do know that as a whole I say we rock and if you have updated in the last few weeks then take a bow because you rock!

1 Sparkle Comments:

Madam Akyria said...

I am amazed! I would of never thought to check out wordpress. I absolutely love doing up my blog posts even if i didn't have any followers I still would do my posts. You are right it is an expression.

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