Candy Cane Plan

I have been looking at some of the contest and challenges out there this week and so I am blaming this thought on that.

I was watching George Lopez last night and he had this fake Tiger Woods and fake wife renewing their vows. During the comedy ceremony the fake wife said something about holding tight to Tigers "milk duds" which I assumed was her way of saying his balls. Being in a Twilight challenge mindset all I could think of was how fun would it be to work that into a contest or challenge. To write a lemon story using only candy titles for the tasty parts. It could go something like this:

"Edward press Bella up against the wall. She could feel his Jolly Rancher pressing into her. This was further than he had ever let them go and she welcomed it. His hands reached toward her Skittles and she moaned into him. She could feel a tidal wave coming from her Starbust and she knew that Edward felt into to. He leaned down with a Snicker on his lips, 'I think this Kit Kat is ready for me'."

How fun would that be? And I didn't even use some of the really fun candies. Think of the possibilities of candies like Livesavers, Peppermint Patties, M&M's, Almond Joy, Mr. Goodbar, and of course Candy Canes. It might change the way we look at candy.

I don't know who I would forward this to or if they would find it as funny as I do, but I tell you that it got my Laffy Taffy all in a twist with excitement.

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