Halt the Reading: We Have a Late Arrival

I know that I posted the three stories for our read along but then as I started reading one of them I wasn't really in the mood for what I was getting. So I started looking for something else to tide me over until I was excited about this particular FanFiction again (and I'm not telling you which one because I don't want to influence you one way or the other).

As I was searching I came across a little fic that Twi-Fic Addicted Sista (she has great reviews) was reading and decided that her review sounded interesting so I would read a little and see how it went. That was two days ago and I haven't been able to stop yet. With that in mind I am adding another story to the read-along; Eclipsed Heart.

This is a touching story in which Bella moves to Forks but after something tragic happens she is suddenly sent back to her mother in Jacksonville where she finishes out her high school years. Skip to the beginning of this story and you find a hurting and broken Bella returning to Forks for unfinished business that she feels she must handle in order to move on with her life. Add in a clumzy moment, a remorseful Edward, a nervous Carlisle and a protective Jacob and you have the makings of this interesting and intriguing story.

I still have a few chapters to go before I have to wait for Buff82 to update but I am really looking forward to them. So come along and read with us. Check out my update for chapters 1-4 next Tuesday.

What Are You Reading?

Alright, I know that I promised reviews for the stories that I have read and mentioned how I really don't understand FanFiction that is more than a hundred thousand words. Well lately I have found a lot of stories that aren't finished and are well on their way to being more than my normal limit. This started me thinking. Would I really get bored with a story that long if I was reading and waiting for recommendations every week? I read Seducing Ms. Swan and hat was over the 100k mark but I didn't realize it until after I was involved.

With that in mind I am going to give this reading a story in progress, over a 100k thing a try. After I decided that I started thinking how much fun would it be if I was reading it with my other faithful readers? I mean we could talk about what is going on in the story and share what we feel about the way the author is handling the characters. I think this could be fun.

So with that in mind I picked three that after scouring the Twilight blogs and communities these seemed to have some really good recommendations. I also tried to find different stories so if you aren't interested in one then you could maybe read one of the others and still be part of the fun. Also if you know of a good story to add let me know.

Without further ado; here are the stories:

After the Cullen's leave Forks a twist of fate lands Bella back in 1918. She thinks it is a second chance to build a life with Edward, but when she finds him, he's not quite what she expected. Can Bella create the future she's hoping for?

I started reading this one last night and I was really enjoying it. Bella is way funnier than normal canon Bella and I really liked the fact that even though this is during New Moon and Edward has told her that he doesn't love her she knows that he was lying. There isn't any of that I wasn't good enough for him crap.

By pretending that she is falling for Edward, Bella is fulfilling Esme's dying wish. But sexy, possessive Edward can read her mind. Will she ever get into his? Can Bella forget the pain of her teenage years, and can she resist his relentless seduction?

I was intrigued by this because even though it is all human Edward can read Bella's mind, which is something he couldn't do in Twilight. To me that spells a different twist on a story we all love.

Expectations and Other Moving Pieces

Everything I have done in my life seemed to lead up to this moment. The moment when I found myself bound inextricably to a man I didn't love, trapped in a life I didn't want. And if I left him, I would be entirely alone.

This one sounded interesting because Bella and Edward are married but still seem to be unhappy. I liked the idea that here would be flashbacks during the story that shared how they got to this point and hopefully show if this relationship is worth saving. It is a Bella/Edward fic so I am hopeful that they will find a way to work things out.

Those are my three and each banner has a link to the corresponding story. Enjoy and if you are going to read along with me then please leave a comment on this thread or send me a PM through FanFiction. Let's get started and as always happy reading :).

Kidnapped Road Trip

What is a road trip without pictures? Nothing that's what. Enjoy this small look at some of the places from my story.

Little Something New

As much as I love the picture of the flower that has been my profile pic on Fanfiction since I started I decided that I would do something a little different. I am going to try to come up with a profile pic that relates to the current story that I'm posting. Right now my pic goes with Kidnapped. I debated which picture to use and came up with the first one but I wanted to share them both with you guys here so that you can see them both.

As you can see there is the same saying on both but the picture is different. They both say, "Why run with vampires, when you can ride with them? Kidnapped 2010".

Hope you enjoy them both and let me know which one you like the best.

Heart's Devotion Banner

Alright everyone. I have been a busy little bee when it comes to banners. This should be the last one needed until I decide what my next story will be. Enjoy and stay tuned for a slide show of pictures from Kidnapped's road trip (because you can't have a road trip without pictures) and a playlist for the story.

Hope you enjoy and I will talk to everyone soon.

Kidnapped Teaser

Alright I know that I did previews with Beyond the Past and I had said that I wasn't going to do any more but I love the upcoming chapter so much that the preview has made a return. I'm not promising that this will be a weekly occurrence but for the time being enjoy. See ya next week.

I hope that you enjoyed and like me you can't wait to see what is to come. Have a great week and I will see you next Wednesday.

Kidnapped Banner

Alright this is fresh off the presses. I just got the idea for the banner for Kidnapped like a little bit ago and quickly decided to come down and share it with everyone. I hope that you like it.

Look for the banner to Heart's Devotion soon.

First Impressions

So I have noticed that there have been a lot of new names leaving reviews for "Kidnapped". That is amazing. I can't tell you how excited that makes me. I don't know if these are new readers or if they have been here for a while and just decided to start reviewing but either way I am glad to see them.

With that in mind I wanted to say thank you for reviewing and I'm glad that you're here and if you haven't read any of my other FanFictions then please check them out. I would love to hear your thoughts on those as well.

Again thank you for giving me a shot and I hope that I haven't disappointed you and that you will stick around for the conclusion and any other stories that I share. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Gotta Have It

I was watching the Eclipse promo for the I'm-not-telling-you time and I started thinking. Like a lot of readers out there this is my favorite book in the series. There are a bunch of reasons why like you learn more about the Cullens, I happen to like the Jacob/Bella/Edward triangle, but mostly I feel like Bella grows up in this one. She learns that adulthood and responsibility sometimes means you have to make the hard decisions.

With my love of this book in mind as I was watching the preview I began to wonder. What would I be okay with not being in the movie? Or more accurately, what has to be in the movie for me to consider it good?

Yes I would love it if the could make the movie as a line by line transcription brought to life on the big screen but lets face it; no one would sit through a five hour long movie and that would probably be the length of it if not longer. That would be insane and as much as we love Twilight I think even we would get bored.

Which leads to the point. We all know that they have to cut somethings and re-arrange others but what has to be in for it to be a success. I compiled a list that I think most would agree is pretty accurate.

  • Bella running of to La Push while Edward is hunting: This has to be in. It sets up the whole triangle and the fact that Bella isn't quite ready to give Jacob up.
  • Alice kidnapping Bella/Rosalie telling her story/Jacob kidnapping Bella back: That whole weekend has to be there. Learning about Rose is so important to understanding why Bella calls her in Breaking Dawn instead of any of the other Cullens. And Jacob kidnapping Bella is just funny. Plus this is when he tells her about not aging and explains the imprinting which again set-up Breaking Dawn.
  • The leg hitch scene: I know that Twilight is traditionally PG or when pushing it PG-13 but every Twilight fan, kids and adults alike, have been waiting to see Edward let some of his guard down and give in to some of the passion and desire that he feels for Bella. Besides us adults need a little action every once in awhile.
  • Jasper's story: How can you have a newborn fight at the end without explaining the newborn army? That is all I have to say about that.
  • Bella punches Jack/Edward says he'll fights for her: I'm strictly team Switzerland but I know that there are tons of team Edward fans just waiting to see Bella sock Jacob in the jaw for that kiss. And just as many waiting for Edwards famous line, "She is mine. I didn't say I would fight fair".
  • The Engagement: Alright, this is so pivotal to the story that if that don't have it then it will be a travesty and I will get up and walk out right then and there. You have to have her accept his proposal and you have to have her try to seduce him. How can you explain their having sex in Breaking Dawn before her change if you don't? And as I said before we adults need the action!
  • The tent scene: They could actually only film this and I would be happy. I love when Edward and Jacob finally talk about their feelings for Bella. When Edward admits that he's just as jealous and Jacob wonders what it will be like to lose her. Reading it I wanted to just clone Bella and give one to each of them. They both care so much and it is beyond evident in that scene.
  • The Newborn Fight: I'm not sure how they are going to get it in considering that the story is told in Bella's point of view and she is no where near them and is so focused on Edward's battle with Victoria but I think it has to be there some how even if only for a few minutes.
  • Jacob and Bella break-up: It just has to be there and it has to be done right. You have to feel the emotional undercurrent of lose and the weight of her decision. It can't be like, "Sorry Jake I love you but I love him more". You have to see that a big part of her wants to stay with him but she can't live without Edward.
  • The meadow: Again we adults need our action. Plus we need to see Edward acknowledge that like most men he has no idea what he's doing and that all his decision have done is hurt her. And if we are going to have a wedding in Breaking Dawn then we have to have an official engagement. Also secretly I am hoping the add in when they tell Charlie. I really want to see Billy Burke pull of that I'm reaching for my gun and I'm going to kill you face.
Yes there are so many, many more that I would love to see but those are my tops and even at that I'm sure I left out some. Thankfully a lot of those seem to be showing in the preview so I am happy about that and it makes me that much more excited for the movie.

Alright so here is the challenge: What has to be in the movie for you? Did I leave anything out? Let me know and we will keep adding to the list. Who knows we might reach that five hour mark anyway.

We Have A Winner

Last week I posted a contest at the end of my updates to Kidnapped. The contest was that whoever was the first person to leave a comment on here last week would get the next chapter before it was posted. And the winner is..........


Yeah!!!!! Way to go. So look for that chapter in your inbox and stay tuned for this weeks contest.

Can You Pat Your Head and Rub Your Tummy?

Lately I have been in a funk with regards to writing. I have three great story ideas but for the life of me I can't seem to really get a move on them. I thought about just posting them chapter by chapter as I write but I think as my readers you have an expectation of getting your chapters every week and what would happen if I had a bad week and nothing got out. I would feel awful.

So I have been going through what I have been doing that could possibly be hindering my writing prose and then it hit me. I have been reading a lot of fanfiction and Twilight blog post. That was the only thing I could think of that was different from what I normally do while writing. Which lead to the question: Why can't I walk and chew gum at the same time?

You would think that with all that goes on in my normal everyday life I would be able to multi-task reading and writing. I mean most people do. They even teach a subjects about it in school; you know reading, writing, arithmatic. Still I think that is my problem. Which is so silly.

I can think of things to write here and I can think of how I want my stories to play out but when I sit in front of the computer nothing. It's really irritating but have no fear. I will not give up. Because I found a prompt; contest. The one that I mentioned about the Friends/Twilight crossover one-shot might be my ticket back. I wrote something that I think might be good and a way to get my mojo going again. Plus there are lots of contest going and if I can find a few that re-spark something inside then all the better.

So you many see a few more one-shots then your use to in the future but I will get back to the story because that is where my heart is at.

Our Party Is Growing

Wow I went away for a weekend and come back to find that we have two more new followers. That is soooo amazing. I knew that we were growing by leaps and bounds.

So welcome to Dfield75 and Akyria. I hope that I keep you entertained and that you find a home here. Now go out and tell everyone else and that way we will just keep going and going and going. I think I love this idea.
Again welcome and I can't wait to read your comments.

Blogger Twilighters Are Rockstars

I was hanging out, doing my new favorite thing, lurking through blogs, when I decided to try something different. One of my only real complaints about blogger is that I haven't been able to find a blogger search. I know that you can search your own blog for content but I would like to be able to search through all the listed blogs on here to see what all there is. Which lead to my something different today.

I thought if I have found this many Twilight Blogs on Blogger than how many must there be on Wordpress. I know it might be wrong to consider looking at another blog site but hey I was curious.

Anyway, I found there search right on the front page and typed in Twilight. There were like 14,000 hits that came back but the funny thing was that as I looked down the list most of them hadn't been updated in like a year. How crazy is that? So I continued on thinking maybe it would get better but now. I went through five pages of results before I called it a day. Sure some had been updated recently but I would say like 85% last post was October or better of 09.

There is no way that we would do such a think over here on Blogger. Why have a blog if you aren't going to update it? That is half the fun. Even if you only have one or two readers or no readers at all you are still expressing yourself and your opinion on something you hold dear.

Maybe all those blogger defected to Blogger and now they are running some of the great sites that we have here now. I don't know. But I do know that as a whole I say we rock and if you have updated in the last few weeks then take a bow because you rock!

Candy Cane Plan

I have been looking at some of the contest and challenges out there this week and so I am blaming this thought on that.

I was watching George Lopez last night and he had this fake Tiger Woods and fake wife renewing their vows. During the comedy ceremony the fake wife said something about holding tight to Tigers "milk duds" which I assumed was her way of saying his balls. Being in a Twilight challenge mindset all I could think of was how fun would it be to work that into a contest or challenge. To write a lemon story using only candy titles for the tasty parts. It could go something like this:

"Edward press Bella up against the wall. She could feel his Jolly Rancher pressing into her. This was further than he had ever let them go and she welcomed it. His hands reached toward her Skittles and she moaned into him. She could feel a tidal wave coming from her Starbust and she knew that Edward felt into to. He leaned down with a Snicker on his lips, 'I think this Kit Kat is ready for me'."

How fun would that be? And I didn't even use some of the really fun candies. Think of the possibilities of candies like Livesavers, Peppermint Patties, M&M's, Almond Joy, Mr. Goodbar, and of course Candy Canes. It might change the way we look at candy.

I don't know who I would forward this to or if they would find it as funny as I do, but I tell you that it got my Laffy Taffy all in a twist with excitement.

New Banners

Okay everyone, I have been hard at work and I finally have a few banners for my stories that I think you will really like. I'm still debating doing a separate page for these but I didn't want you guys to have to wait until I decided to see what I had.

Enjoy and I wil talk to everyone soon. Ps. Look for more banners to come.

Going Single or Staying the Same

Last week I asked if anyone would like a little change to my posting habits. As you all know I normally double post on Wednesday. This is something that started back during Beyond The Past and I have just kept going for the ease of it. However, lately I have been looking through a few stories and noticed that a lot of people don't post more than one chapter a day but multiple chapter at different times of the week. Which of course prompted the question. I've been doing the double posting thing for awhile and thought maybe it was time to try something new if everyone thought it would be better.

Personally I'm not sure that I'm partial to either way. Sure it is easy to come in once a week edit, respond to reviews, and be done. That said there might be something fun to only posting one chapter at a time. There have been a few chapters that I would have liked to be more of a cliffhanger and probably would have been if they weren't posted with another chapter. During those times single posting sounded much better but I thought "I've done the posting this way for so long it would be rude to change".

I'm not sure which I will do but I more than liking won't change the double posting during Kidnapped. If I do decide to do it then it will probably be during my next story; whatever that will be. Guess you are just going to have to wait and see but I will take your opinions into consideration. Which means that I need more than the three responses that I got. Hint, hint.

Welcome, Welcome

I am so happy to welcome our newest follower, Mrs. Vanquish. I can't tell you how excited I was to log in today and see that we had a follower. Talk about doing a happy dance. Arms were flying, legs were jumping, and smiles everywhere. It was a good thing no one else was home or else they would have thought I was having a seizure and I have a feeling this is only the beginning. Soon we will have a ton of followers and my welcome post will be way longer than this.

So again welcome Mrs. Vanquish. I will try to keep you entertained.

And The Winner Is....

No one yet or at least I'm assuming no one. I know what you are thinking; what is this crazy girl talking about? Well, I'm talking about FanFiction contest.

I haven't really participated in any of these contest since I've started writing (mostly because I didn't know where they were) but lately I have seen a few that sparked my curiosity. One in particular really stood out to me. It's aptly called "The One With All The Twilight" and if you can figure out where this is going then you get a big kiss from me. This contest combines two of my favorite things: Twilight and Friends.

I don't know if any of you ever watched Friends but I wasn't a fan until a boss of mine started having Friends DVD parties. We would hangout in her apartments hot tub and then order pizza while everyone changed and watch Friends until the wee hours of the morning. I actually still miss those parties and if I had friend now that appreciated Friends or a hot tub I would host one tonight but I don't.

Anyway, this contest is basically about putting the Twilight characters into a Friends scene and writing what could possibly happen. Let me tell you, I thought of three different ones last night alone. I'm not sure if I will do this but I wanted to give you all a heads up in case I decide to enter so that if you see any Friends themed Twilight showing up you won't be surprised. And who knows it might get me out of my slump. One can only hope.

How It All Began

As I have mentioned I have become obsessed with trolling through different blogs, mostly Twilight, and reading all their content. During a recent gaunt I happened upon a great post by Mrs. Vanquish over at Let's Ride The Vanquish called "One Year Ago....Or How It All Began...". It was her Twi-story about how she found Twilight. Once shared she asked for other's stories but it wasn't until her recent post "Your Twilight Stories Part 1" that I really thought about sharing.
So here we go:

Unlike most my story doesn't start with the books but it does almost start almost a year ago. I actually was a late comer to Twilight and the Fandom. Being a long time "Buffy: The Vampire Slayer" series fan (don't judge me; if you didn't like it that was your bad) I wasn't sure about these angst looking teenagers when the movie first came out. In fact, I know that you all are going to be mad, I thought it looked stupid and like a complete waste of money. There was no way that I was going out to see such a thing. I even got to the point that I thin I would turn the channel every time another commercial came on (little did I know).

Now I always wonder if they changed the marketing or shorten the commercials for the DVD or what because by the time it was out on DVD I was still sick of hearing about it but the commercials looked better to me. I can't explain it but I was just like, "maybe I should give it a try". Not wanting to spend money on what I was still convinced would be awful I went to my library and checked to see if they had the DVD. It must have been kismet for me to see it because at that time they wouldn't hold new release DVD's and the best sellers where hard to find on your first try yet there it was; sitting there waiting for me. I checked it out and came home and thought that I would probably forget about it. I went through the rest of my day but I couldn't get that stupid movie out of my head so that night I popped some popcorn, anything to make it better, and sat in front of my television prepared to be disgusted.

That is the last thing that happened. I laughed so hard I almost cried and I smiled throughout the whole thing. Being a klutz myself I could completely relate to Bella and having a slightly unhealthy love of all things vamp I found myself wishing these two crazy kids could just find a way to be together without all the drama that was making me laugh, cry and fall in love. I know a lot of people didn't love the movie but I wasn't one of them. I became obsessed watching it. This movie I thought I was going to forget about was the one that I watched the most. Actually I almost forgot about the rest. I returned it with a sad heart but told a friend of mine about how great it was. Think of my excitement when she called later to tell me she had rented it also and I should come over and watch it with her.

I would love to tell you that I went out and got the books right after that but again no. I love to read but I have found that you can't divide your heart. Either you love the movie and hate the book or vice versa and I wasn't prepared for that. Plus I had heard that they were making New Moon and I didn't want to spoil the surprise so I put them off. I was planning on waiting to see if they made them all into movies first (kinda like Harry Potter) and then read them so that I wouldn't be swayed one way or the other.

That only lasted until I was preparing to go to the mountains for Memorial Day. My family goes every year and I always try to bring something to read along. Again I ran off to my local library to find a few books. I wasn't even thinking Twilight but again they just happen to have it showcased as a hot rental. I decided it was fate and checked it out along with another book that I was way more excited to read.

When we got our cabin I dove into my other book (Midnight Bayou by Nora Roberts; great book) and left Twilight in my carry-on. I picked it up on my last day there and read all of ten pages, deciding the movie was better and went to watch it on my iPod. It wasn't until I got home and had nothing to read and another week to my checkout that I decided I was going to make myself read this crazy book. The rest as they say is history.

I didn't read the series as fast as some out there did. I think I took two weeks (partly sleep and partly my library hold process) but I'm glad that I did. Through seeing this movie and reading this book that I didn't want any part of I have gained so much. I have found some great friends on FanFiction.net, I have found some great writers and read some amazing stories, but best of all I have found my love of writing again.

I use to write poems and short stories all the time before but quit when I felt like I had no inspiration anymore (basically life kicking me in the teeth). I didn't think that I had a that voice in my head anymore, but Twilight changed that. Not only have I written my FanFiction stories but one of my own and I have an idea for another one.

So whether I wanted to find it our not; I am glad that I did and I hope that you, my readers, are too.

My New Obsession

OMG!!! That is all I can say about my new obsession.

It started out so simple. I passing glance, a small interest, a little laugh and a tight lip bite, a night spent thinking instead of sleeping and the next thing I knew was that I needed it again and again. It was like that first time you read Twilight or watched the movie; when you couldn't wait to start again. That was exactly how I felt. What am I talking about: Blog-lurking.

What is blog-lurking you ask? Well, it is when you find a blog and start reading and from there go to all their sister or afflicate sites and then go to their afflicate sites and so on and so on. I am addicted. I should be in some kind of 12-step program getting ready to stand.

"Hi, my name is Tiffany and I'm a blog-lurker."

Of course I would have to tell them how I started which isn't a long story or one that is understandable.

See I was looking for ideas on how to set this site up and so I thought the best way to do that would be to look at other author's sites (I'm all about the research) and that lead to another site and that lead to another site and before I knew it I was following them all. Why you might ask? Simple; THEY WERE ALL ABOUT TWILIGHT!!

Yes, there are blogs upon blogs out there about people reading Twilight, writing Twilight, recommending FanFiction, Designing Twilight themed backgrounds. You name it there seems to be a blog for it and I am obsessed. Again I didn't mean to be it just happened. Now I log in almost everyday and instead of just posting my own new post first I have to check what new is out there. I have to see who is recommending what and what contest are going on. Who had an ephipany while re-reading Eclipse and who is flying off to ComiCon or Vampire Baseball. It is rediculous. I'm suppose to go out of town this weekend and all I can think is "how am I going to check for updates?".

This has also lead to another obsession, wanting my own followers. It's so wrong I know but I want to know. I want little pictures of people I don't know on my sidebar. I want folks leaving comments on my post. I mean I figure it's like reviews in FanFiction, right? And what is not to love about those? Nothing!!

What am I going to do? I can't spend all my time reading other people's writing. I would never get any writing of my own done and then you all would be so upset with me and you wouldn't come to my profile or my blog. I would slip into a state of depression. I wouldn't be able to eat, sleep. Those around me would start to notice but I wouldn't want them to worry so of course I would say nothing. Until one day I put down my pen, my laptop, and my iPod and wollow in the hollowness that my life would have become. *Quick slap*

Sorry about that; I'm back. The point is that I need help. There is just no other way around it. So I thought that if I posted this here it would be like going to that meeting and maybe the recover can begin. After all, it's that the first step? Admitting you have a problem.

BTW, I'm listening to 15-step by Radiohead off the Twilight soundtrack as I'm writing this. Maybe with the extra steps I can get better faster.

Ps: I am also going to make a new page so that you can get just as obsessed as I am. YEAH!!!!!!

New Siggy

After lots of hard work I finally got the signature to work on this blog. I would love to share with you all the problems that I have had but it would simply bore you to tears. I've decided to just be happy what I have found and continue on. I wish that I could go back and add it to the past post but I haven't gotten that good yet. Anyho, I hope that you like and I will be back to update later.

I Think I'm Done, I Think I'm Done, I Think I'm Done

Wow, it seems like months instead of weeks since I decided to move over from our other site; It's My Life. It's funny that part of the reason for switching was to have something that wasn't so much work to maintain and yet I feel like I have been working on this blog almost everyday since then. First there was figuring out what was important from the other site and then moving what needed to be moved and directing what other things didn't. Then there was finding a background that both looked like my personality and worried really well for the content that I plan to post here. That alone took forever and I'm still not one hundred percent sold on the one that we have now (so if it changes tomorrow don't be surprised). And finally there was adding content. I know most people would have started sharing right away but I wanted a moment to breathe and now I believe that we are ready.

Are there still thinks that are needed here? Absolutely. I still don't have my pictures from all the stories posted yet or my quotes page but those are minor in comparison to what all has been done so far. I also am trying to figure out how to change a few other things here but they too are just minor.

So I think we are ready to launch officially and I am so excited. I can't wait to get feedback on what you all think and I am really hoping that with being an easier format that I will get some comments to my blog post. That would be like icing on the cake for me or like my very own heroin :).

Alright that is it for right now. Until next time; keep reading.

Grown Woman Vampires


Welcome to a Vampire series for adults.

Okay I am going to let you in on a little secret. I love trashy romance novels. I know, I know, it's awful but what can I say. When my favorite authors come out with a new book I rush out, buy it and run home to read it cover to cover. I do have a few conditions to what I read but for the most part if it's trashy and the women aren't wimpy then I am there.

Now years ago, a friend of mine suggested that I try reading vampire trashy romance novels and she recommended someone that I can't even remember. I do remember buying one of the books at a re-sale bookstore and I think that I only read like one chapter or so. All that I remember is that it did nothing for me. This is why when I came across Kathryn Smith's vampire series, The Brotherhood of the Blood, I was a little skeptical. I had flashbacks of years before and I wasn't sure that I wanted to give it a chance, but I am so glad that I did because these were so worth it. Five books that will have you up all night flipping through pages just as fast as you did with Twilight.


Allow me to set the stage for you. Six soldiers during the Crusades are on a mission to find the "Holy Grail" because it is said that if you drink from it then you will have life. They have been put together for their special skills; each bringing something different and needed to the table. They find the Grail but like all good stories it is never that simple. The Grail that they have found is not the "Holy Grail" but the "Blood Grail" (there is a whole story to this that I won't go into here but drives the complete series). After one of them is hurt reaching for it in an Indiana Jones like booby trap the others encourage him to drink and upon doing so he realizes the difference. Where the "Holy Grail" gives life and healing the "Blood Grail" give immortality and the thirst for blood. Before he can stop his brothers they all drink and soon understand what they each have become. And that is all in chapter one.

PhotobucketEach book in this five book series focuses on different brother. There is Chapel, Bishop, Saint, Reign, and Temple. Now if you are smart, which I know that all of you are, then you noticed that it is a five book set although I told you there were six soldiers. This is because one of them walked into the sunlight one dawn and destroyed himself rather than live an eternity with what they had become. This also shapes each of them as it is the catalyst for them to give themselves over to the Catholic church, but alas only one stays within the church.

Because every story must have a villian or Ms. Smith came up with not one, not two, not even really five but a whole order of villians to challenge our struggling vampires; The Order of the Silver Palm. A group set on capturing each of tortured souls for a plan that is only revealed in the last book and how do they capture these men? They use women to lure them in. Welcome to the world of vamp-trashy-romance.


Now that is all back story and only takes like I said about a chapter to explain. Which was one of the things that I really enjoyed about this series and this writer. Kathryn didn't spent a hundred pages explaining the myths and differences in her vampires but got right into the story letting the anticipation build as the the explanations found their way to the surface.

PhotobucketOf course there are differences in her vampires as opposed to Stephenie's. These vampires can fly, they have the normal fangs and burst into flames in sunlight. They don't seem to need as much blood as most vamps and they can drink from their victims without killing them. I'm sure there were other differences but those were the main ones except for the big one. They bite during sex and she makes it sound very enjoyable. I have a friend that although very into Twilight and vampires in general she isn't into the romance genre at all. Even she was calling me asking if I had finished the next one so that she could get it. That says alot.

And just because I said our villians use women to lure these men don't assume that any of women are weak. Matter of fact, they are each just as strong, stubborn and determined as our vamp hero's and when they love they love hard. Sure like most trashy romance females they have their moments where you want to slap them and say "Wake up" but that is only once in a while and only a few of them not all.


So if you haven't read these I would strongly recommend them to any true vampire fan. If you can get past the trashy romance of it all, and I would bet that you will, and get lost in the story you will be just as excited as we were. Now go out and look for them at your local bookstore or library, put the kiddies to bed, grab a glass of wine, and get ready for some grown woman vampire action.

Check out The Brotherhood of the Blood series HERE at Kathryn Smith's website.