The Eclipse Search is On

As so many of you know today is the day that The Twilight Saga: Eclipse comes out on DVD. I am sure that there are those of you that hit the stores at midnight and then there are those like me that decided to go a little later in the day. Either way, let me tell you the crazy of my story.

It starts at about 11:36 pm yesterday
evening. I was baking cookies for a cookie exchange that I was going to today. I had no intentions of going to get the movie at midnight; truthfully I didn't even think I would still be up that late at night but I was. See my goal was to go before my one o'clock meeting and be set.

I had looked up all the different stores selling it and although I normally go with Targets exclusive three disk set I was sad to see that they didn't have it this year. This year they had a box set that looked like the only extra to it was the pretty box and the movie still pictures which to me wasn't worth my extra money but I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt and decided to go check it out first.

So there I was getting up to head to Target before my meeting and I get there and of course there are a ton of people standing around trying to decide which copy to get. I quickly see that they don't have the three disk set and decide that since their two disk set looks exactly like the two disk set that Wal-Mart has I would get it there since online it looked to be five dollars cheaper.
I put the movie back and go to my cookie exchange meeting since I don't have time to go to Wal-Mart before the meeting. I tell everyone how I am going to go get the movie after the meeting and how excited I am and why I decided to go to a different store since I was alr
eady at Target. The meeting ends and even through I am tired and cookie full I point my car toward Wal-Mart instead of home.

Yet when I get to Wal-Mart the DVD is not only the same but it is actually three dollars more than it was at Target. It's no where near the fifteen dollar price that had been posted on whatever website I had been on. Now I am stuck with a dilemma. Do I buy it there and go home or do I waste the gas and go back to Target to save all of the same amount that it will probably cost me in gas?

Surprisingly, stupidly, cheaply, or however you want to say it went back to Target. I got the movie and came on home. As much as I wanted to watch it tonight I always watch from the beginning when I get a new movie in any saga. So I can't watch it until I have time to watch from Twilight to Eclipse which probably won't be until next week. The important thing is that I got the movie and now I don't have to worry about finding it as the holidays get into full swing and stores start selling out.

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