A New Moon Cometh

I know that I might be a little late on the DVD mart but guess who just picked up her copy of The Twilight Saga: New Moon? Yes that would be me. And you would think that I rushed home, tore it open and started watching but at last I didn't. I actually spent all day helping my aunt clean her house and I am exhausted. So instead I came home, made chilli (it's raining and you just have to have chilli when it rains) and watched the Vampire Diaries which were all new tonight. Yes, they are different vampires but they are still vampires.
I debated which one to get and decided to go with Target's three disc DVD. I know that Wal-Mart had the one with all the Eclipse info on it but I'll be honest; I've already seen it. I was searching through the web for something and came across a site that had it already up on their blog. I wish I could tell you who it was but I didn't save it. Maybe if you to a google search for Twilight Eclipse then you'll be able to find it.
Now I could be watching it now but I think that I am going to wait until Sunday. See tomorrow I have quite a few things to do and Saturday I have to take pictures for a birthday party; so Sunday works. I figure I can get up and make a great breakfast and goof around on the Internet for awhile (I still have a few things to touch up on here and a couple of others) and then I can make a fun dinner, maybe ravioli or something, and watch Twilight and then New Moon. To bad I don't have Eclipse because that would be icing on the cake.
That's all. I just wanted to let everyone know that my Twilight movie collection is as complete as it could be. Until next time; keep reading.

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